Repurpose Your Custom Printed Eyeshadow Boxes

If you are a makeup enthusiast, you know the joy of owning a new eyeshadow palette. However, when it accidentally breaks, it can be pretty disheartening. But did you know you can repurpose your broken eyeshadow palette and use it in ways you may not have considered before? You can breathe new life into your custom printed eyeshadow boxes with a few smart tips. In this regard, we have listed a few genius ways to repurpose a broken eyeshadow palette. So, if you are ready to explore these hacks and give a new lease of life to your damaged eyeshadow palettes, read on.

As An Eye Gloss

If you have a broken eyeshadow, don’t throw it away yet! There are a couple of ways you can still make use of it. One trend that’s currently popular is the glossy eye makeup look, and a broken eyeshadow can help you achieve this look effortlessly. To do this, mix a small amount of the fractured shadow with a drop or two of baby oil and then apply it using a brush.

As A Nail Polish

If you have a broken eyeshadow palette, don’t throw it away just yet. You can repurpose it to create your own custom nail polish colors. All you need to do is crush the shades you want to use into a fine powder and add them to a bottle of clear nail polish. Give it a good shake and let it sit for a few hours. Voila! Your personalized nail polish is ready to use.

To make the nail polish:

  1. Take a clear and transparent nail polish and pour about 1/6th of it into a clean and clear bottle. If you don’t have a new bottle, you can use an old one with some clear nail polish left in it.
  2. Select the eyeshadow color of your choice and crush it into a fine powder.
  3. Carefully pour the powder into the nail polish bottle and mix it well to create your desired color. Add more crushed powder to the bottle until you achieve your desired shade.

This is a great way to repurpose your broken custom printed eyeshadow boxes and create a new and unique nail polish color.

As An Eyeliner

Another way to use a broken eyeshadow is to create your own eyeliner. Simply grind the broken eyeshadow into a fine powder, mix in some baby oil, and stir until the mixture has a smooth, gel-like consistency. You can then use an angled brush to apply the eyeliner along your lash line or create unique graphic eyeliner designs.

As A Lip Gloss

If you have broken eyeshadows lying around that you’re unsure what to do with, repurposing them as a lip gloss is a great option. To do this, you’ll need some Vaseline Original Pure Skin Jelly and finely crushed and powdered eyeshadow in the color you choose. Mix the two to achieve your desired pigment, and voila! You now have a brand-new lip product to enjoy.

Artificial Fingernail

Adding a pop of color to your nails can be a fun way to elevate your look. You can use custom printed eyeshadow boxes to achieve this. You can even create a fancy look by applying an artificial fingernail. This is how you can do it:

First, apply a base coat of your favorite nail polish and wait for it to dry completely. Then, use a cotton swab to apply the crushed eyeshadow of your choice on top of the base coat. This will give your nails a splash of color. Once you’ve achieved your desired look, apply a top coat of glossy or matte nail polish to lock the eyeshadow color in place throughout the day. This simple and cost-effective trick can help you achieve a stunning nail look for any occasion.


You can use your beautiful eyeshadows for more than just adding color to your eyelids. You can use them to create unique writings and artworks. For instance, you can use glittery or solid-colored eyeshadows to write creatively on cards or letters. Mixing eyeshadow with cleansing oil can create a color ink that you can use for this purpose. This is a great way to repurpose your expensive eyeshadows and make them useful again.


Expired eyeshadows can also be used creatively. You can use them like paint to create unique artwork. Mix your desired color from your expired eyeshadow palette with a watercolor binder to do this. Mixing them for about a minute will create a fine and creative drawing that you can use to decorate your home interior or gift to your friends. You can create as many colors as you like using your expired eyeshadow pigments. You can do This great DIY project at home to create something beautiful and unique.

Fire Lacquer Seal

Fire lacquer seals have become increasingly popular on social media platforms, and many individuals are now creating their own DIY fire lacquer seal at home. To make your fire lacquer seal, you only need white glue sticks and beeswax in a 2:1 ratio, which can be easily purchased from any store. To add color to your seal, grind some eyeshadow into a powder and mix it with the melted wax. This will allow you to create a seal in a variety of colors.

Tissue Rose Bouquet

In addition to the fire lacquer seal, you can use your expired eyeshadow boxes to create a beautiful tissue rose bouquet. To make this DIY, you must fold three layers of tissue paper in half and tie the folded end tightly. This will create a flower shape at the other end. You can then use eyeshadow powder to add color and glitter to your tissue flower. This is a great way to repurpose your old eyeshadows and create a beautiful bouquet that can be used as a decoration.

Eyebrow Powder

Did you know you can repurpose your expired eyeshadows for more than just eye makeup? If you’re struggling to find the perfect shade for your eyebrows, try using an eyeshadow powder that matches their color. It’s a great way to make the most out of your makeup collection.

Grooming the Hairline

You can also use your expired custom printed eyeshadow boxes to help with hairline grooming. Select an eyeshadow that matches your hairline and use it to manage stray hairs easily. This tip is practical and environmentally friendly, allowing you to reduce waste while getting more use out of your makeup products. So, why try it and see how it can benefit you?